“With the concision and clarity of a Zen master, Joanna Hill has crafted this quiet gem. Enjoy the essence of Swedenborg in a simplified, concentrated form. Delight in the power and sweetness of fine wine, distilled in the mind and heart of a woman who sees the love of God in the mind of an eighteenth-century scholar.
Emerson once said that it would take whole colleges of ordinary scholars to comprehend Swedenborg. He did not know Joanna Hill, who not only comprehends Swedenborg, but elucidates his central teachings with clarity, precision, and love.”
—Rev. Ray Silverman, PhD, author of The Core of Johnny Appleseed: The Unknown Story of a Spiritual Trailblazer, co-author of Rise Above It!, and editor of Light in My Darkness by Helen Keller
“Many people struggle to understand how a loving, wise, and powerful God can be such an apparently quiet or even absent presence as these people face major tragedies and challenges. Spiritual Law: The Essence of Swedenborg’s Divine Providence presents a framework for seeing God’s loving wisdom at work in one’s own life and in the world around us. The message is one that is both a call to personal responsibility and a powerful source of hope and promise.”
—Rev. Eric Carswell, pastor of the Bryn Athyn Church and former head of the Bryn Athyn College Theological School
Spiritual Law offers a clear and concise handbook for spiritual transformation. Drawing from eighteenth-century scientist and philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg’s work, this book brings his insights about the spiritual world to life.
Never before has this information been available in such an accessible form for today’s spiritual seekers. Not only does this book offer a distillation of Swedenborg’s original work, but lends guidance on how to put these ideas into practice, thereby opening the way to a more peaceful, wise, and loving environment in this world and the next. The book is perfect for reading groups and newcomers to Swedenborg’s work.
ISBN: 978-0-9912516-0-5 Price: $15.95
Spiritual Law
The Essence of Swedenborg's
Divine Providence
By Joanna V. Hill